Sept. 3/19 update

This Coming Sunday, September 8, 2019.
Guest Speaker: Pastor Aaron Kerr
Sermon Series: The Essentials
Service is at 10:00 am!

This Sunday, on behalf of the Free Methodist Church in Canada, Pastor Dennis will be preaching at Richmond Hill Free Methodist Church.

All Ministry meetings will resume this month!

As summer comes to an end, the Ministry Leaders here at BFMC are preparing to resume weekly/monthly meetings.  We trust that everyone has had a time of rest, relaxation and reflection and an overall enjoyable summer.

Important Upcoming Events
Ministry meetings will resume on the following dates:
       Men's Ministry:      Saturday, Sep. 7 at 900 am
       Women's Ministry: Saturday, Sep. 14 at 9:30 am
       Bible Study / Prayer Group: Thurs., Sep.5 at 10:30 am
We look forward to your participation in support of these ministries!

Sunday, September 15th at 10:00 am
Church in the Park and Family Day BBQ at Leander Park (just behind the church).
We are excited to be worshipping outdoors as we enjoy the beauty of nature all around us.
There will be food, fun and games!
Please bring your lawn chairs.

Lawn Sign Update
No further update at this time, but we expect that the new sign will be installed in the next few weeks.
The old sign has been removed and a temporary one erected in its place. As final installation details are received, we will update you.

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TEAR FUND (formerly World Relief)

TEAR FUND (formerly World Relief)
Harvest in Sierra Leone - Free Methodist Churches support Tear Fund Canada in providing emergency relief, community development and compassionate response. In partnership with our Bishop's emergency fund, we can take advantage of Government of Canada matching funds to respond to world wide emergencies.




  • Sok Em (Cambodia) - teaching in Bible school

  • Germain and Inge Coulombe (Taiwan)

  • Chris and Terry Payk (Taiwan)

  • Dave and Jennifer Wright (formerly of Niger) - are in transition as of January 2020. Pray for them as they seek God's will for future ministry.


  • Armed Forces: Michael Allen, Stephen An, Robert Lay, Andrew Klinger

  • Corrections: Abraham Yonas

  • Health Care: Jacki Barbour, Lorraine Buffam, David Gifford, Brenda Haggett


  • Dean and Stephenie Babcock (Malawi) – agriculture and community development

  • Dave and Kathy Casement – GALCOM – missionary radio

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